Posters and social media for the astronomical society of Glasgow
(I volunteer there, managing social media and I'm vice president)

See my business website MOSMOS


There is a high percentage of the population that watched into the wild & was instantly obsessed.
I am of that percentage.
I had wanted to live in Scotland since childhood and in 2015 i documented my two months hike from Dover to Caledonia, camping all the way & carrying a 20 kg backpack.
Perhaps it isn't as perilous as Alaska however I did witness a bar fight and hitch-hiked on a boat.
During University, the delusional monster within me took on the translation of a massive book about the history of nonlinear oscillations (so many complicated terms), from French to English.
My eyesight was never the same after this challenge but it got published! And I DID graduate.
Click Me if you love nonlinear Oscillation history (or not, it's a mildly niche hobby)